Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Training

Completed my first serious training session yesterday evening. Quads and triceps (yes, a strange combination). But effective. Completed it in approx 50 minutes - fast and furious with little rest between sets to maximise my time as I didn't get to the gym until almost 6.30pm. Then did 45 minutes on the treadmill with spaghetti legs! And wasn't that fraught with danger knowing my predilication for falling down on flat surfaces when my legs are steady!

But it felt good. I was nauseous and exhausted when I got home but it felt really really good.

Bring on today!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Will......

I will accept responsibility for my actions.
I will proclaim to MYSELF my innate strength, my beauty and my power.
I will prepare each day for the next day.
I will make no excuses for myself.
I will promise myself success and follow my dream until it becomes reality.
I will stop hiding behind my weight and my past. They are no relevant anymore.
I will choose my future and my path and not allow it to be dictated to me.
I will set aside time each day to look at my goals and envision how I AM achieving them!
I am what I say I am.
I will dress for success and I will act for success.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Change is a good thing

My life is changing. It feels weird. It feels scary and it also feels good. I need the change as much as I thought I needed my comfort zone.

I'm one exam off finishing my personal training certificate even though I'm still overweight. I'm actually really proud of myself because I thought I might quit half way through. That's the usual way I operate.

Today is a public holiday which means I have some time to organise my week. I'm writing my To Do list and I'm going to get everything done today. It will make me feel more calm about my week and I can then cope with everything that hits me.

I've also just stepped right into a personal fear of crowds by booking a ticket to the MUSE concert in Perth in December. I feel really panicked when there are lots and lots of people around me but it's time to step out and face it. That may seem strange to a lot of people but for me it is a VERY big thing.

I'm proud of myself...not for anything in particular...just feeling proud that I'm on my way to achieving my personal goals..

Saturday, October 31, 2009

And so life continues

I've had a big chat with Mark this morning and took a heap of notes during it. He's an absolutely magic guy and a brilliant sounding board for me. I always feel that he puts things into perspective for me and he has the ability to put into words the things that I can't.

Mark, thank you so much....

I've got a lot to think about this weekend. I'll be doing that while I'm running around...

I've got my last exam on Monday for tech. I've also got 3 resits to do on Tuesday night before rehearsal so that will be fun.

I'm enjoying my training again which is a relief. I didn't think that I was going to get back into the swing of things ever again! But there it is - my enthusiasm has returned!!!

I'll blog a little later on tonight again when I've got some more time. I have to go and see my eldest step-daughter get a tattoo now.......sigh

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Diesel and Life

I began training and dieting in earnest last week and as usual I find that circumstances are plotting against me. This week has been thrown as little due to my little boy passing away yesterday. Logically I can understand that I did everything that I could for him and would have paid my last cent to keep him alive but emotionally I feel like I failed him. I'm working through it though because I can't keep letting my emotions rule my life.

I had planned on going to the gym yesterday but with all the kafuffle, I didn't get there except to weigh in and my weight went up (damn it!). I've taken today off work though just to grieve and try to get back to normal emotionally so I'll head there this afternoon and do the training that I was going to do yesterday.

My original goals will need to be re-jigged because of my weight gain this week but I can manage that.

I'll never forget my boy but he liked his mummy to be fit and able to take him for long walks. I'll do this for him......

Friday, September 11, 2009

New beginnings

Having hurt my knee (AGAIN!) about 5 weeks ago, I fell into the blue funk of depression and stayed down there until just recently. It wasn't satisfying and it wasn't fun. I've finally had enough of it for the time being. Though mind you, this happens on a semi-regular basis with manic depressives.

I got in contact with Mark again yesterday and spoke with him this morning stating my desire to get back on track again. I've had a long hard look at myself and discovered that I'm fat, lazy and I no longer have a waist!! This is bad. Very Very bad.

I've got a new training programme and a new diet and a new determination to succeed. My weight and this injury have forced me to re-evaluate a lot of things. I'm up for the challenge...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ah yes, Monday again

I've had a good day so far. My eating has been strictly under control and I'm feeling slimmer this afternoon. I did my cardio and upper body this afternoon and am feeling pretty darn good. I've got another weigh in tomorrow so I hope that it reflects my work.

I'm nervous about it though. My scales have been going up and down all week so I don't know what's going to happen. We'll see...