Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well, just got a comment from my Trainer. He's asked for more consistency in my diet and a few more days of information for him to give me some advice.

I need to become more committed to doing things differently as he has suggested because I've been doing the same things for years but nothing changes if you don't change.

I'm going to write out what I want to do and how I intend to do it and we'll work from that!

Thanks Mark, you are a Godsend!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


I think I've just decided to compete next year.......I was just looking around on the internet at bodybuilding (as you do) and discovered a couple of sites with competition bikinis and the relevant paraphenalia that is required on comp day. From there I went looking at the different federations and I think I've decided to aim for the WFF comp here in Perth next May and then the INBA comp around October......

This is a very odd moment for me because I've played with the idea before but I've not actually pictured myself going through the motions to really do it. I've just been sitting here imagining myself training dieting and psyching myself towards these comps.....

This is a good thing isn't it??

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday mornings

Well, here it is Sunday morning and I've already had 3 cups of coffee. I'm planning a busy day because I'll be out most of tomorrow.

I've already got my training planned for the week and I'm chuffed with what the week is looking like! I'm upping my weights this week and am feeling much better than last week. I'm looking forward to getting back into the gym and lifting again. When I do it before work, it feels like I have all the time in the world to get it done and because the gym is only 5 minutes or so from work, I don't need to rush it.

I've just found some photos of when I lost all the weight last time and both my hubby and I were appalled at how I've let myself go since then. I'll add them into this blog at some stage when I find my digital versions.

I'm going shopping today to get all my vegies and plan all my meals so that I can cook now that I have an extra teenager in the house who is an eating machine!!

I'm in the mood to do a complete clean out of the house today so I think a couple of DVD's on the TV put on loud and I'll have a wonderful productive day. No daughters home tonight and Jeff is at rehearsal all afternoon so I'm going to be home alone pretty much all day which will be an absolute Godsend!

Well, I'll probably update this again later on today and I don't doubt that I will find some sort of comments from Mark here!

Stay positive, Smile broadly and train hard


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Supplement to Anzac Day

My pic is one of the Perth Now gallery of photos of the Dawn Service......What a nice surprise....

Anzac Day 2009

Got up at 4am to be at the dawn service by 5. It was a beautiful morning at Kings Park (apart from the small hitch created by the sprinklers going off just before the whole thing started!). Not too cold and the birds singing on cue.....

I put my wreath and rose on the Cenotaph for Gran and Grandad and when I came down again, there was a reporter from the Sunday Times who wanted to speak with me about Grandad and what Anzac Day meant to me and to him. So after briefly talking with him and trying to hold myself together, he said that it will be part of the Anzac spread in tomorrow's paper. I'm going to get copies for Mum and Coley if it is a good write up.

Ian Jeff and I then went to the Atrium for breakfast which was nice but I'm no longer enjoying the sweet stuff or the fatty stuff which has got to be a good thing! So I would say that my body is finally starting to change for me and by next year, I'll be the buff one putting the flowers on the memorial....

I'm looking at possibly marching in the parade next year for Grandad and getting copies of his medals done by the RSL. But we'll see....

I've got to talk to Mark at 1pm to catch up with him because I forgot to call him last week I think. I've not been good but I've got some strategies in place to combat the potential sugar cravings that I know are probably going to rear their ugly heads this week....

I've had a couple of epiphanies this week and I'm finally beginning to take some notice of them!

I'll update this later with my plans for the week and that way I can be more accountable for them!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The photos below are an accurate look at what I've allowed myself to balloon to. I'm going to change it.

I'm going to be hot!

Mental Preparedness

I'm going to see a sports psychologist as soon as I can. I need to find some way to make some goals and find the mental strategies to go for them and let nothing get in my way. I'm finding it frustrating to not be able to find the strength to keep going.

I want to stay positive and stay upbeat. I'm just not able to manage it at the moment. Everything seems to get on top of me and I don't know how to keep going.

What is wrong with me that I can't seem to find my focus or my centre? I struggle on and then sabotage myself and my progress.....

I'm going to keep going. And keep going. And keep going!! You only fail if you stop trying. I'll keep trying until I succeed.

Help Me!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Well well, 6 weeks into my challenge and I've fallen all the way off the wagon and am rolling down the road! I've lost barely a thing and I've allowed things to get on top of me once again.

I spent last night drinking lots and lots and LOTS and, although I feel OK today, I think that I'm going to have to give up drinking altogether because I just can't keep doing this to myself. It's sad really that I have no stopping power. By this age I would have thought I'd have more control over myself but noooooo

Ah well, today is another day and tomorrow is another day, etc, etc. I'll just keep on keeping on and getting myself back on the road to good health, good eating and heavy training.

I was thinking the other day that if I never had to work again, I'd be at the gym every single day doing all the training that I could. That's where my passion lies. I think that I allow my super-busy days to derail me because I just can't keep my focus on the future. I keep looking at what I have to achieve each day and I get tired just thinking about it.

This weekend has been an absolute god-send because I haven't had to do a thing apart from what I wanted to do. Nothing planned, noone to catch up with, no where to have to be......absolute BLISS.....

I'm going to head off for a while and work out all the things that I have to do this week and get myself organised with the shopping etc so I can be completely ready for another big week.

Until next time, keep thinking WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!