Monday, May 4, 2009


I did a back and biceps workout today. I'm working with limited means as my gym isn't set up for someone with my goals but for the moment, it's perfect for me to lose weight!

I used the assisted chin machine and it was kickin'! I'm a big girl and heavy but it's giving me a real buzz every time I get on it and lift. I'm around 111kgs and I'm only chinning about 30kgs of that but it's more than I've done before. I'm loving it! I love watching my traps and shoulders bulge through all the "velvet".

Tomorrow I'm going to be doing shoulders, traps and abs. I'm also going to start doing Arnold's tummy vacuum at home when I'm just watching TV. It will help strengthen my abs and get me used to holding it all in!

The only thing I'm finding difficult at present is handling my stress levels which are through the roof and then I turn to the wine list! This week, I'm going to work on them but I'm going to do it slowly. By the end of next week, I've promised myself that the wine will go as will all other alcoholic beverages. I've started to do some meditation and breathing exercises to try to cope with other problems in my life at the moment that I really really getting me down.

I'll get there! I've got a good support team in place and I'm going to turn to them as much as possible to get me through.

Well, now I have to update my diet diary and send it to Mark so he can keep me accountable!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jode,

    I can comment again... YAY!! am so excited about your decision to compete. If you have any questions you need answered, just ask and I will try my best to answer them for you. The WFF comp is a really good one to try. Are you coming along to the one on the 17th May? It will be a good one to go to seeing as you are aiming for this one next year. Let me know if you're going and I'll keep an eye out for you, although I will be running around as a madwoman helping Michelle Nazaroff out.

    A good technique to calm things down when you get stressed is the "four corner technique". You pick a square shape (PC monitor, etc.) look at the top left hand corner and breathe in for four counts, then look at the top right hand corner and hold for four counts, the bottom right hand corner and breathe out for four counts, then the bottom left hand corner breathe normally and say to yourself "relax, breathe, relax, focus. You repeat this until you find yourself calming down.

    Have a great day xxx
